

Keep up-to-date with the latest developments of Aeroficial Intelligence

Berlin Brandenburg Airport adopted Cockpit Suite solution as first Airport in Germany since November 2023

MATAR Adopted New Cloud Solution For Enhanced Airport Operations

Global challenges, news articles and competitions

We are de­light­ed to have re­ceived the Born Glob­al Cham­pi­on Award by the Fed­er­al Eco­nom­ic Cham­ber of Austria!

Galileo Masters — Overall and Austrian Winner 2019

What an in­cred­i­ble last week. We are proud to an­nounce that our Per­for­mance Cock­pit so­lu­tion was award­ed as Aus­tri­an and over­all win­ner at this year’s Galileo Mas­ters Award at the Space Os­cars in Helsin­ki last week. A big thanks to the team of Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence and our ac­cel­er­a­tor, the #ESABIC and Sci­ence Park Graz (SPG).

Singapore Aviation Accelerator

Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence was se­lect­ed to cal­cu­late po­ten­tial car­bon emis­sion sav­ings for CDO in­to Singapore.

Af­ter rig­or­ous re­cruit­ing and screen­ing, Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence was one of the most promis­ing star­tups from around the world that had been se­lect­ed from a pool of 100’s of ap­pli­cants. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence went through an ac­cel­er­a­tion boot camp in the for­mat of a 13-week Star­burst pro­gram with in­tense, hands-on men­tor­ship about the cal­cu­la­tion of po­ten­tial fu­el sav­ings and re­duc­tion of car­bon emis­sions for CDO in­to Singapore.

Aeroficial Intelligence under top 3 in the Aviation Innovation Challenge CO2

Out of 60 reg­is­trants, 10 short­list­ed, and a few weeks of con­sul­ta­tion Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence was one of 3 star­tups se­lect­ed for the Avi­a­tion In­no­va­tion Chal­lenge Pitch Day spon­sored by Rolls-Royce, Sin­ga­pore Air­lines & Snowflake Soft­ware! What a great event it had been pitch­ing the Per­for­mance Cock­pit so­lu­tion of Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence in Shut­tle­worth sur­round­ed by vin­tage aircraft.

ESA BIC – How to reduce and make aerospace more eco-friendly with space data

Wirtschaftsinsider — Steiermark auf dem „Monitor“: Gründer fliegen auf die „grün-weiße Mark“

Der Brutkasten — Aeroficial Intelligence: Wie ein Grazer Startup mit AI die Luftfahrt effizienter macht (german)

Interview with Aeroficial Intelligence’s founder Julian Jank on Airline Business and Intercultural Competencies in times of COVID-19 (german)

Science Park Graz – Independent Airside Analytics

Geoconnexion — An aircraft tracking system that uses machine learning to cut fuel consumption could save airlines money – and protect the environment.

Industry related interviews

01.05.2020 FOX ATM In­ter­view on air­port and air traf­fic ca­pac­i­ty enhancements