Use Case Areas

Operational Procedures

Improve operational procedures through new insights while at the same time enhancing safety.

Airspace Performance — STAR/SID compliance

Optimize your airspace procedures to increase efficiency and safety!

Aco­ord­ing to Eu­ro­con­trol, a Stan­dard In­stru­ment De­par­ture Route (SID) is a stan­dard ATS route iden­ti­fied in an in­stru­ment de­par­ture pro­ce­dure by which air­craft should pro­ceed from take-off phase to the en-route phase. A Stan­dard Ter­mi­nal Ar­rival Route (STAR) is a pre-planned in­stru­ment flight rule (IFR) air traf­fic con­trol pro­ce­dure. STARs pro­vide tran­si­tion from the en-route struc­ture to an out­er fix or an ar­rival way-point in the ter­mi­nal area.

Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence is mon­i­tor­ing for each flight move­ment, whether the air­craft has tak­en a cer­tain SID/STAR. This in­for­ma­tion is used to see how the cur­rent air­space struc­ture and pro­ce­dures are utilised and which rout­ings are most­ly used. Putting this in­for­ma­tion in com­bi­na­tion with Con­tin­u­ous Climb or De­scent Op­er­a­tion, emis­sion sav­ings can be derived.


  • Im­prove ef­fi­cien­cy in airspace
  • Op­ti­mise emis­sion savings
  • Traf­fic sta­tis­tics, au­to­mat­ed reporting
  • In­sights on cur­rent procedures

High Intensity Runway Operations (HIRO)

Ex­pe­di­tious ex­it from the land­ing run­way al­lows air traf­fic con­trol (ATC) to sep­a­rate air­craft with an ap­pro­pri­ate radar sep­a­ra­tion min­i­mum dur­ing fi­nal ap­proach. This is based on re­duced air­borne de­tours, de­lays, and re­duced taxi times as run­way through­put in­creas­es. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­vides a full an­a­lyt­ics so­lu­tion to track the pro­ce­dure, its com­pli­ance and pro­vides in­for­ma­tion on how to optimize.


  • Pro­ce­dure com­pli­ance tracking
  • In­crease in run­way through­put and capacity
  • Bet­ter util­is­ing air­port infrastructure

Wake Turbulence Re-categorisation (RECAT)

Increase capacity and improve safety during final approach!

Wake Tur­bu­lence Re-cat­e­gori­sa­tion, or wake RECAT, is the safe de­crease in sep­a­ra­tion stan­dards be­tween cer­tain air­craft types. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence is mea­sur­ing sep­a­ra­tion in the ap­proach phase based on dis­tance and time. By in­clud­ing the Re­cat­e­go­rized Wake Tur­bu­lence Cat­e­gories (RECAT Wake Tur­bu­lence Cat­e­gories A‑F) of the air­craft, valu­able in­sights can be de­rived in­clud­ing dif­fer­ent con­stel­la­tions such as a heavy air­craft fol­lowed by a medi­um air­craft. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence sets lim­it val­ues to de­tect vi­o­la­tions in thresh­old values.


  • In­crease in capacity
  • In­crease in safety
  • Re­ports on RECAT violations
  • Im­prove­ment of ATC performance