Use Case Areas

Airport Bottlenecks

Blocked stand event detection and root cause analysis

Reduce arrival delays and emissions caused by blocked stand positions


  • Emis­sion saving
  • Cost sav­ings
  • In­crease in on-time performance

Stands can be blocked by de­part­ing air­craft lead­ing to de­lay min­utes and there­fore ad­di­tion­al costs. The re­sult is usu­al­ly a long taxi-in stop of air­craft with run­ning en­gines lead­ing to ad­di­tion­al fu­el burn. The gen­er­al rea­sons can be ear­ly ar­rivals or de­layed turn­arounds. All these events can be au­to­mat­i­cal­ly de­tect­ed by the Per­for­mance Cock­pit. Each de­lay minute re­sults in di­rect and in­di­rect costs of up to 400 USD and emis­sion sav­ings of 320 kg of CO2 per each event on average.

Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps here to de­tect blocked stands dur­ing the taxi process and per­forms a root cause analy­sis. For in­stance, if a taxi-in stop hap­pened, the root cause might have been an ear­ly ar­rival or a de­layed turn­around process, which can then be de­tect­ed and pro­vid­ed in an event re­port based on Ori­gin Air­port, Stand Po­si­tion, Air­craft Type and Air­craft Operator.

Identify congestions and bottlenecks at your airport location


  • Sit­u­a­tion­al awareness
  • Air­port Hotspot Location
  • Stop Types in­clud­ing taxi, push­back and hold­ing point
  • Op­ti­mized taxi routings

Cre­ate aware­ness where and when bot­tle­necks in­flu­ence the air­side op­er­a­tions. Check out how queues and wait­ing times de­vel­op dur­ing taxi process­es and get re­al ac­tu­al val­ues. Re­duc­ing stops and wait­ing times can lead to sig­nif­i­cant sav­ings in fu­el and emissions.