Use Case Areas

Emission Saving

Enabling more sustainable flight operations through increasing the share of CDOs and improving the taxiing process. 

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO)

Increase the share of CDOs from Top of Descent to save carbon and noise emissions!
Optimise your airspace procedure to enable more efficient arrival routings and share information with stakeholder. 


  • Show­ing cur­rent state and con­straints from an air­line and air­space perspective
  • Fu­el and emis­sion sav­ing potential
  • Track­ing tar­gets and re­alised savings

Con­tin­u­ous De­scent Op­er­a­tions are an es­sen­tial el­e­ment in any fu­el sav­ing pro­gramme of an air­line, while air traf­fic con­trol en­ables the air­craft to op­er­ate such pro­ce­dures and air­port sur­round­ing hous­ing ar­eas are less af­fect­ed by air­craft noise. The ben­e­fits of these pro­ce­dures are wide­spread. Con­straints can be traf­fic vol­ume, air­space re­stric­tions and the right in­sights to mea­sure the cur­rent state to take the right mea­sures. Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps to analyse air­space to pro­vide in­sights on the con­straints in the lo­cal air­space. Hav­ing avail­able al­so fu­el con­sump­tions from each air­craft de­scent com­pared to an op­ti­mal ap­proach en­ables fu­el and emis­sion sav­ing use cases.

Smooth Taxiing

Reduce taxi stops and save emissions!

Dur­ing the taxi process at air­ports and es­pe­cial­ly at con­gest­ed air­fields, stop-start traf­fic dur­ing taxi­ing is hap­pen­ing on a con­tin­u­ous ba­sis. Each of these stops is lead­ing to an in­crease in en­gine op­er­at­ing time as well as ad­di­tion­al fu­el burn due to an ex­tra ac­cel­er­a­tion phase. Imag­ine an air­craft that has been wait­ing in a stop and is now ready to con­tin­ue its taxi process, how much fu­el will be used for the ac­cel­er­a­tion process? 

Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps to mea­sure each of these stops, no mat­ter if this was a stop af­ter push­back, in a Queue, be­fore the hold­ing point or in a de-ic­ing sit­u­a­tion. In ad­di­tion, Aero­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence helps to show in­no­v­a­tive pro­ce­dures how stops can be re­duced to save CO2 emis­sion and re­duce the car­bon foot­print at the airport.


  • Re­duc­tion in air­side stops
  • Help to reach emis­sion targets
  • Op­er­a­tional cost savings